Kernen Resource Management AG


Our Offerings
Our Organization
Our Team
Our Team
Gerda Meier

lic. phil.
Gerda Meier Kernen
Managing Director

Hans Kernen

Dr. phil.
Hans Kernen

Debora Di Maio

Debora Di Maio

Ueli Locher

Ueli Locher

Gerda Meier Kernen

Commercial apprenticeship. Studied psychology, business administration and preventive medicine at the University of Zurich (topic of research: "Organizational climate and sense of coherence"). Author of the books "Arbeit als Ressource" and "Achtung Burn-out!". Completed training in general management. Certified consultant for organizational development, change management and coaching. Lectures at the FHNW (university of applied science, CAS/MAS).

Self-employed organizational consultant since 2002 and managing director of kernen resource management AG.


Professional Experience: Extensive professional experience as an executive in sales, marketing and communication as well as many years of experience as an internal consultant for organizational and personnel development.

Consulting experience in: retail, IT/Telecom, health care, social institutions, education, manufacturing, public administration, chemical and pharmaceutical, transportation, media, banking and insurance.

Focus Areas: Organizational development, change management, leadership training, management coaching, team development, conflict resolution, personal and organizational resource management incl. burnout-interventions, corporate health management, assessment and development center.

Languages: German, English.

Hans Kernen

Commercial apprenticeship. Studied psychology, education and preventive medicine at the University of Zurich. Obtained his PhD from the Universities of Zurich and St. Gallen with the thesis "Burnout-Prophylaxe im Management – Erfolgreiches individuelles und institutionelles Ressourcen-Management" (Burnout-Prevention in Management – successful personal and organizational resource management"). Author of the books, "Arbeit als Ressource" (Work as Resource) and "Achtung Burn-out!" (Attention Burn-out!). Lectures at various universities and training institutions in Switzerland, including FHNW and ZHAW.

Self-employed organizational consultant since 1995 and owner of kernen resource management AG. Board member of the Swiss Association of Occupational and Organizational Psychologists (SGAOP) and member of the Swiss Expert Network on Burnout.


Professional Experience: Extensive professional experience in various positions including project management in retail, sales and as a health care instructor. Many years of experience in organizational and management development within various corporations.

Consulting experience in: education, retail, manufacturing, energy, IT, public administration, health care, social institutions, transportation, banking and insurance.

Focus Areas: Management consulting and management of organizational and corporate development projects with a focus on strategy implementation, structural alignment and cultural development, personal and organizational resource management incl. burnout-interventions, corporate health management, leadership coaching and training, team development.

Debora Di Maio

Commercial apprenticeship/BMS, specialized in public relations and communication (with diploma), SVEB, certificated coach/trainer and new work manager with diploma, professional certificate (University of Berkley, USA) in positive psychology, specializing in positive psychology in organizations as well as further education in health management (e.g. BGM, HRV, Mindfulness/ Meditation, etc.) and resource management.


Professional Experience: Many years of experience managing projects on communication, marketing and new work/agility. Wide experience in the conception and realization of trainings and workshops as well as International experience (living for 18 month in the USA and working as trainer in Europe/Asia).

Consulting experience in: Retail, education, health care, real estate and building industry, manufacturing, tourism, banking and insurance

Focus Areas: Project management/ seminars with focus on new work and health management. Coaching of managers; Leadership development and seminars. Diversity, gender. Team development. Consulting, coaching, seminars in communication and conflict resolution. Personal and organizational resource management incl. HRV measurement.

Languages: German, French, English, Italian.

Ueli Locher

Studies of psychology at the Institute of Applied Psychology in Zurich (specializing in career counseling).

Postgraduate studies in communication and management at the universities of St.Gallen and Neuchâtel.


Professional Experience: 25 years of leadership experience as an executive board member in public admin-istration (at federal, cantonal and com-munity levels) and with NGOs, most recently CEO of a large NGO in Switzer-land. In-depth expertise in areas such as public health and social policy, penal and probation services, international devel-opment cooperation and humanitarian aid, communication as well as cooperation with political entities and governing bodies composed of volunteers. He also lived and worked for five years in African and Asian countries.

Consulting experience in: Retail, energy, real estatex, industry, law enforcement, social institutions and NGO, public administration, reformed church, banking and insurance.

Focus Areas: Organizational and strategy development, team development, conflict resolution, communication, training and individual coaching for senior management.

Languages: German, English, French, Italian.